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Weitek Founded by Chi-Shin Wang, Edmund Sun, and Godfrey Fong (President and CEO) in 1981 in San Jose. All founders immigrated from China. 

 Company Overview

Weitek specialized in high-performance digital semiconductor components and systems for the computer and workstation industries. Weitek floating point units have been used with Inmos Transputers (Floating Point System T-series Hypercube, 1986), National Semiconductor NS32032’s (Encore Multimax, 1986), and Intel 386’s (1988). The 2048 was used in the Thinking Machines Corporations CM-2 Connection Machine. Weitek produced floating point processors for HP. HP allowed to Weitek to use it’s facilities to make chip for themselves and for their competition.

Major Achievements


Chip Identification


Weitek Chips

CPU’s Sparc microprocessor
Coprocessors 1164, 1165,  3164, 3167 (designed for 386, single chip implemented of 1167 board, 1988), 3170 (designed for SPARCstation 1), 3172 (designed for SPARCstation IPC & SLC), 2048, 8701